Our First Blog Post

When Jennifer and I both left of childhood homes, like many of you, we did so with very little in monetary value. Everything we have gained and lost in this life has been through our own hard work or ignorance, respectively. While we were making our way, a lot of the time we did not have the money to buy what we wanted or hire someone to make our home the way we wanted it to look. Instead, we had to make the things we wanted or figure it out ourselves. Well, while in the process of figuring things out the hard way we found out something quite unexpected. We found that there is a certain fulfillment when the mind and the hands (perhaps a bit of heart too) come into harmony to create.

Over the years this creative process of finding inspiration, planning and executing our visions has driven us to continually push our limits by trying new things. Through this process we have learned a lot. We create a lot but, we also fail a lot.

Our website and blog was created to document our design process, accomplishments and failures. It is our hope that you will find inspiration in our projects and create on your own without fear of failing.

Thank you and remember, if we can, you can 🙂

Jason & Jennifer

Posted in Blog.